Sunday, June 14, 2009

AverageDrafter - ACR 05 - Now in HD!

(Also posted on MTGOV, but in case anyone was looking for me... I'm now at Vimeo!)

Ok, so yet again I’ve switch video hosts… but this time I think its going to be it for a long while. Viddler was great for a while, but the change in code meant that my videos looked like crap for anyone not downloading the originals. I finally did something about that. Vimeo to the resue!

I shelled out the dough (a reasonable 60 bucks a year) for this one. Secondly, because I did so yall will get the glorious high def experience without the bother of downloads, signups, or any of that noise. Just open up that puppy full screen and enjoy the crystal clear card text and pictures. You may want to mess around the with scaling on and off to your tastes as well.

Hope you enjoy this draft. It was a fun deck that kinda fell right into my lap (pick 3 was particularly glorious) and the games were mostly interesting (well.. sorry about the length of round 1).

If you have any issues with the new provider then let me know and I will try to help you out, otherwise enjoy!


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Posting at

I've been posting some of my drafts at just in case you haven't been over there. I'll get more up when I can, but time's been short for Magic this year.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

AAA 39 - A Quickie before AAC

Uno mas before we head into greener pastures and a new format. I might do one more just to make it an even 40. Not much for commenting other than what is said on the vid. Oh, I'm posting links to the vids on mtgovideos as well.


Round 1

Monday, February 16, 2009

AAA 38 - The Great Magic Video Crash of '09

Modosharks is dead. Mtgovideos had their hosting pulled for bandwidth issues. AverageDrafter has fallen off the face of the earth...

What is a MTGO junkie to do?!?

Well here is a little fix for you. I'll try to get more up when I can (I have President's Day off, so maybe I'll do some drafting today). Meanwhile, if anyone knows of other video drafting sites I'd love to hear about them... post them in the comments.

Keep in mind that recently viddler started scaling down the resolution for their streaming videos. That means that the picture is blocky, and its hard to read the cards. If you go to the video link however (click the viddler logo at the bottom right of the embed) you can get to the video page and from there you can download this video in its full screen glory. If you know the cards pretty well then the embed is probably good enough, but if you like to see card text I recommend the download. If you don't see the download available, register for the site and make sure you are logged in and it should be just below the video ("Download This" with a hard dive logo).

On with the show.


This might of been one of my best Pack 3 ever. Seriously...

Skeletonize, Jund Charm, Vithian Stinger, Vithian Stinger, Jund Charm, Hissing Iguanar, Dregscape Zombie, and 13th pick Dregscape Zobmie. This pack made my draft.

After building I check the competition - pretty weak ratings wise, but I'm not going to fall into that trap again. No mercy, no quarter, no distraction (well except my slight inebriation... which I think actually helped).

Round 1

Not much to say, except that Mountaineer with Talons is a pretty serious clock if you don't draw removal. My opponent makes a major mistake here that costs him the game.

Round 2

Not much resistance in game one. Game two is a bit more interesting until I'm able to double punch for the win just as things were getting away from me.

I make a mistake in game one that ends up benefiting me as I get to kill two additional creatures with Jund Charm in addition to his Garg. Game two I end the game with a castable Violent Ultimatum in my hand that I don't need to use. Sweet.

Obviously a good draft for me, but poor draws and weak playskill by my opponents get most of the credit. Still not a bad way to ease back into drafting after a couple week hiatus.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quick Update

Well I haven't been playing much lately, sorry folks.

On top of that, I have discovered that the last few videos that I've posted on viddler have been encoded poorly. I'm not sure if this is something on my end or on theirs, but the difference between the quality of the two is extreme, and if I can't figure out how to fix it I might have to switch providers again. To see the difference check AAA 32 vs AAA 37. I usually don't check viddler videos as their quality had been pretty consistent. The funny thing is that the crappy looking videos are like twice as large as the old ones (which are larger than the DivX originals).


Well, I won't be drafting much till Conflux, if even then, as I have a lot going on right now and just don't have time to block out for a draft. I will continue to post any drafts I do get around to and let you know the status of the hosting situation. Thanks to everyone who has been keeping up with the videos and I'll see you back real soon.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

AAA 32 - Old Tomatoes

Well, I've put up a few more videos since I've posted last, you can check them out as always at my Viddler site - AverageDrafter Viddler Profile.

So I had a fun draft and some fun games (sort of) in my last draft, and I thought it was a good time to post and remind everyone that I'm still making vids and point out this one in particular...

No comments from me, just enjoy the madness.

By the way, I've started getting into Pauper, if anyone is interested I can make some videos of that if you'd like. Let me know!


Round 1

Till next time!